There’s something about a well put together cheeseboard that makes it visually appealing. I’m usually mentally checking off the different combinations of items that I’d like to pair together so I can sample a little bit of everything. The possibilities are endless when choosing what goes on a cheeseboard so if you don’t know where to start or what to buy, here’s my beginner’s guide to a simple DIY Cheese Board that’s sure to impress everyone!
With a wide variety of cheeses out these, it can be overwhelming to pick the right ones. Hard? Soft? Blue? Crumbly? Etc. To make it easy, Brie and Manchego are the ones that I default to. They are mild enough to go well with different kinds of meat, fruit, nuts and jams.
Cured Meat
Like cheese, there are tons of cured meats to choose from. I like to add salami and prosciutto because its hard to go wrong with those two. I personally like to get a little bit of spicy salami to throw into the mix.
Something Sweet and Savory
One thing’s for sure, a cheese board MUST have both sweet and savory elements to accompany the cheeses and cured meats. To really knock it out of the park, adding colorful fresh fruit (or any dried fruit) will make your cheese board the star of the show.
Add 3 kinds of fresh fruit such as grapes, apples and orange wedges plus 2 kinds of dried fruit such as apricots and figs for your something sweet. Some pitted olives and smoked almonds add a nice touch of savory flavor.
If you can’t decide on how to give your cheese board a pop of color, here are some items that are easily accessible and are available all year round.
Red – red grapes, sliced apples, strawberries, dried cranberries
Orange – dried apricots, dried figs, orange wedges
Green – pitted green olives, sliced kiwi, green grapes
Tip: Shop at the bulk section of your grocery store to save money when buying dried fruit and nuts. You’ll only need about 1/4 – 1/2 cup each since a little goes a long way.
A Jar of Jam
If you think honey goes well with cheese, you’re right BUT this is an epic cheeseboard we’re talking about here. What you really need is a sweet jam to slather on slivers of cheese to create a flavor explosion in your mouth. A fig jam, hot pepper jelly jam or caramelized onion jam are my top picks.
The Vehicle
Last but not the least, you need something to pile all that good stuff on so you can scarf it down. Plain rice crackers are the best or a sliced gluten-free baguette lightly toasted in the oven for that extra crunch works just as well.
Now that we got everything covered, it’s time for you to make your very own cheese board!
Watch this time-lapse video that shows you how I put together this DIY Cheese Board.
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